Achterhoek Food Council

Achterhoek Food has founded a Food Council that will keep a critical eye on the processes that are implemented by Achterhoek Food. The Council members are active farmers, entrepreneurs plus members of the education, social, cultural and leisure sectors. The Food Council will make sure that everybody is actively involved with Achterhoek Food and monitors its progress.

Achterhoek Food Council (in random order)
Suzanne Ruesink
Ronald Pelgrom
Rob Nieuwenhuis
Bjorn Massop
Ester van de Haar
Frans Miggelbrink
Gijs Jolink
Rik Eijsink
Marcella de Vos / Manuel Hezeman
Pascal Kamperman
Majken Cupido
Nico Wissing
Ria Ankersmit
Anton Stapelkamp

Jan Markink

Maurits Steverink
Jolanda Kemna