Achterhoek Food

Platform Achterhoek Food supports regional food initiatives with sustainable and healthy food especially grown in its own region. We are striving to make everyone aware of the quality of our food that is produced in the Achterhoek region and where to buy. From farm shop, restaurant to supermarket and specialty store, not only in the Achterhoek but also beyond. Why should we get cheese and wine from France when the local farmers are also producing the same award winning products?

Consuming more fruit and vegetables is encouraged as well as buying fresh produce from local farmers. Platform Achterhoek Food puts the spot light on the hard working farmers, producers and entrepreneurs who produce our healthy and sustainable food whilst making it easily available to everybody. Farmers and consumers work together and by our food choices we decide how the Achterhoek and World could look in the future.

Platform Achterhoek Food was created from LEADER, the EU program for rural development, and supported all successful food projects in the period 2015 – 2022. For the LEADER period 2024 to 2027, the Achterhoek Food platform has acquired more of its own face, but is still always part of LEADER and the point of contact for residents who want to use support from LEADER Achterhoek. Former deputy Jan Markink is chairman of the Achterhoek Food platform, Maurits Steverink is project leader and substantive point of contact for food projects and works closely with Saskia Wiegers of LEADER Achterhoek.

Achterhoek Food Goals

Achterhoek Food Platform sees great opportunities in turning the Achterhoek into an food region whereby it’s citizens, employees and visitors can choose for healthy and sustainable food whilst producers take into account their impact on the climate, biodiversity, landscape and animal welfare. With collaboration we can make the entire food chain more sustainable and obtainable for every budget. The Achterhoek has the ambition to  become the healthiest and vital region in The Netherlands and Europe. We work close with an International Network of leading food regions and with Achterhoek Tourism on an internationally distinctive profile for tourism.

How To Reach Our Goal?

By enabling the Achterhoek to grow into what would be a high profile food region, Platform Achterhoek Food is developing a solid strategic food policy together with its partners and residents. We would bring all sorts of sustainable and healthy initiatives together and support them. Platform Achterhoek Food strengthens the Achterhoek’s network of entrepreneurs, farmers, schools, culinary teachers and students in the food business, tourism, social organisations, food developers and sports clubs, which automatically creates new and innovative partnerships. This results in more awareness that healthy, sustainable and regional food connects us and ensures a beautiful, attractive region in which to live and work.